Access information via
stunning dashboards and reports

Empowering you to drive effective business transformation through data driven solutions

Buyer Benefits

  • Monitor Supplier Performance: Real-time monitoring of performance from different angles to optimize decision-making process and strategic alignment.
  • Trend Review: Through historical data, you can better predict positive or negative performance tendencies of your supply chain partners.
  • Supply Chain Analysis: Provide possible risks and root cause of issues within your supply chain environment with AI/ML power analytic and predictive models.
  • Reduce Operation Risks: Information are properly organized, updated and distributed, allowing early detection of risks and corrective measures.
  • Results-focused Culture: Reinforces a data driven culture, focused on performance and productivity with Trading Partners.

Supplier Benefits

  • Optimize Time, Resources: Time spent on manual and complex activities, such as collating data, updating spreadsheets and reports, are reduced.
  • Higher Service Level: Comprehensive view of business, immediate identification of problem areas, resolving the variables that can influence the final result.
  • Lower Financial Risk: Achieving desired service level eliminate potential risk of penalties set by Buyers.
  • Improve Buyer Relationships: Higher perfect order rate, the better. This KPI has a direct impact on your Buyer’s retention and loyalty levels.

Key Features

Dashboard capabilities

Provide interactive visualization at-a-glance of your business data. Enable you to monitor your business at all times with analytic and predictive reports for actionable insights.

Automated Report Creation

Data to be processed into your desired report automatically in real-time.

Data Enrichment capabilities

Increases report visibility with additional fields from collaboration effort with your Trading Partners to enable 360-degree view of your business.

Error and Issue Identification

Identify issues with user configured logic with or without additional data set captured from your Trading Partners. Configure exception handling with comprehensive validations.

Scheduler and Notification

User configured scheduler to enable distribution of desired report to the right users at the right time.

Product Data Sheet

Discover how to understand & find answers in your data